2010. április 27., kedd

Stretcher and Geeker

There was a rainy but a beautiful day
when two little creature were on their way
Soon they met, i'm sure you would not guessed that
and all they left back was just a big mess pad.

Geeker was a fascinating, space invader fan,
Stretcher also could have gained a Super Mario tag.
Although it seemed like they were totally different,
once they met accidently in a forest called Rimbered.

This place where they wandered was skitchy and burby,
but it did not scared them because they were Lurbie.
They were trained on play-station, nintendo or PC,
so they could use some boffish magic if they needed.

They met at a jumbo cage when Stretcher
-who is actually a boy- poke her side.
Geeker -who is actually a girl-
did not think a bit and poke her back with a drine.

It was a love at first site for Stretcher, so
he tried to give her everything she needed,
but the main problem was
that she had a Wuffle who she go out with.

On the way home he could not let her go,
since unfortunately he sticked to the girl's back.
He was to heavy and the girl - oops- felt down
into a livious hole and she disappeared - so bad.

A few days later when Stretcher walked along at Rimbered,
he stepped on something vievy, smlathing flack
and how surprised he was
when he realised that was Geekers dry-rotten head.

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